I'll be posting all my workouts here...well, maybe not all. But if you're interested in following what I'm doing feel free to read and/or join me!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Bike to Maezawa


bungee cord workout - abs, bis, tris, delts x 2

bike to and from Maezawa Elementary School 15km


Kirsten said...

how's the shoulder these days???

Kirsten said...

bizaro---I left a comment and it still shows up as 0 comments!!! weird!

Linea said...

shoulder is still not good, i feel it all the time, a constant, dull ache - hurts to use it for anything -writing, eating etc. i guess i should go and get it checked out...

Kirsten said...

yep!!! or you could wait till you go home....but, it's no fun being in pain