I'll be posting all my workouts here...well, maybe not all. But if you're interested in following what I'm doing feel free to read and/or join me!

Monday, April 03, 2006

a 1500 FINALLY

My left shoulder has had a wicked knot in it for ages, in fact, I don't know when the last time my shoulders weren't knotted up. Massages just seem to aggravate the problem and rest does them no good either (I have terrible posture and I'm sure that also doesn't help anything). The reason for the sore shoulder is two fold - I've pulled it almost everytime I go our snowboarding. I have a tendancy to land in a way that always pulls that shoulder back and tweaks it. Secondly, my pull is off in the pool. My hand slips a lot -partly due it to being sore and I baby it, and partly due to it being my left arm...I know I'm left handed, but I do a lot of sports right handed, especially throwing sports. My right hand is my power arm, the left is precision I guess. Just the other day I was arm wrestling and noticed that I do that right handed as well. ANYWAY, I've been laying off the distance swims because anything over 200 was a little painful, but last week I did a 400 pull and everything seemed ok. So yesterday, being Monday I decided to get back into my routine of a 1500pull on Mondays. I had a lane all to myself, started easy, long and strong and then built up speed (I've also noticed I need a really long warm up to feel good). I managed to swim it in 25 minutes, not bad for being away from it in a while.

Warm up: 800RIM 400kick

1500 pull @ 25minutes

4x 4x25 ez K, T, Y, E


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