I'll be posting all my workouts here...well, maybe not all. But if you're interested in following what I'm doing feel free to read and/or join me!

Monday, May 22, 2006

took my bike for a spin

chose a road leading to the mountains

followed it as far is it would go in a straight line before I had to turn

biked for 40 minutes



Kirsten said...

did it hurt??

how was it really??

any complaints so far??

i want i want i want i want

Linea said...

no, it was good, the goal was slow and steady, check out the gears.

i found my feet cramped up a bit in the stirrups, then i adjusted them and they were fine.

it's amazing how different it is to ride a good bike.

i have to say, the saddle so far is fine, but then again i haven't done anything significant yet.

the only thing that hurts are the bruises i sustained from my first crash!

Kirsten said...

first crash??? what????