I'll be posting all my workouts here...well, maybe not all. But if you're interested in following what I'm doing feel free to read and/or join me!

Monday, May 08, 2006

not so early morning run

i'm TRYING to get myself to get up and run in the mornings -the sun's up around 5ish now, so it's bright by 6:00 perfect for running. I have tried on and off for the last month to get my butt out of bed and get moving before work. But until today, I hadn't been able to convince myself that exercise we more important than sleep.

Maybe it was all the lying around last week, maybe it's the frustration I'm feeling because I'm putting off everything else right now (cleaning, studying etc). I tossed and turned for 10 minutes: "OK, 6:10 -still time to get a decent run in...6:12...6:15, if you don't get up now you'll never go...you've got time to run the the expressway and back...that's enough for your first day!"

And I did it! I was out the door by 6:24.

I ran to the expressway and halfway back, then the lack of breakfast caught up with me and I walked the rest of the way.

The Kanazawa Relay Marathon is on Sunday, I'd like to do better than my last relay marathon -that means not feeling like I'm dying after every lap....

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